
During the Live sound on experimental film workshop Manush was asking me about freezing piezo contact mics into ice for recording crackling bursts while the ice is melting. We didn’t know whether the conductance of ice would be resulting in short circuits or if the pressure of expanding water could destroy the piezo discs during the freezing process – or whatever issue yould come up…

So last night I tried freezing a piezo mic (and an LED for the sake of entertainment value and show effects); funny enough, as I was escaping from grim Berlin winter and now I am experimenting with ice in a tropical savanna climate :). Testing the frozen object needed to be done quickly as it was melting immediately in the heat of Bangalore – which it did silently (sorry, Manush!). Playing with the ice block however made some interesting noises. Check out the clips I’ve posted on youtube:

(Bass sounds and vibration noises)

(Crackling noises)

At the moment we’re looking for a BIG deep freezer where we can build a large ice block  installation for the final report performance at 7 High Street on April 6th 🙂

One thought on “Cool sounds

  1. Pingback: Workshop: Live sound on experimental film | Manush C J

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